MPG 4000Q and now transmission Q:

Eric Sanborn eric.s.lists at
Mon May 1 06:43:04 EDT 2006

On 4/29/06, SuffolkD at <SuffolkD at> wrote:
> Is there a way to crack the case and change the 5th gear only, to get better
> MPG and a higher top speed?

I don't know, but I am sure it has been discussed at one point on here.

> Or can one swap in a newer tranny with taller gearing?

Yes any (most?) car that came with a turbo from the factory will have
a lower numerical final drive.  Your car has 4.11:1 final drive.  As I
recall most if not all type 85, type 44 turbos came with 3.83:1 final

I don't however know what work goes into changing the rear end if your
donar is a type 44.  Just remember that if you change the tranny you
will also have to change the rear end.a


Eric Sanborn

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