New diesel engines into older cars

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Mon May 15 16:01:05 EDT 2006

that clears that issue up a bit then!
so for the 4000diesel conversion, would it be a dasher
gearbox, flywheel 
and clutch on the 1.9 bottom end and golf 1.6td head?

thanks for the tips

ps Huw Powell sounds just a little bit Welsh. Is that
right or just a 
if so then it's not thanks, but diolch 'n fawr

Huw Powell wrote:
>> the easiest way to go for a 4000 (it is a 4 pot
>> 80 isn't it? i've just arrived from europe and
don't understand the 4000
>> / 5000 thing) 
> 4000 = 80 (& 90?) - small body car
> 5000 = 100 (& 200) - large body car
> Stateside, most (but not all) 4000's are "90"s, with
the five cylinder 
> engine.  Many are also quattros.
> Then (1980s), as now, the most economical versions
of imports did not 
> tend to be brought in in large numbers.

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