re. Miscellaneous Musings

Ben Swann benswann at
Mon May 22 12:08:35 EDT 2006

I have a box of the aformentioned programmers (some new) for cheap if anyone
wants one.



benswann at

 [Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 18:35:44 -0400

From: "Alex Kowalski" <hypereutectic1 at>

Subject: Miscellaneous Musings

To: "Kneale Brownson" <kneale at>

Cc: quattro at




I would advise anyone who owns one of these cars of this vintage to pick up

a spare A/C programmer the next chance they get.  The problem is that the

vacuum solenoids go south, but if you have two or three, as I do, you can

swap it relatively easily and/or cobble together a good one using the parts

from others.  I think we're in the phase of these car's lives where saving

good spares is essential to their use over the next ten years, and every

year you need to do a thorough once-over.


Alex Kowalski

'87 5KCSTQ

'86 5KCSTQ]

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