Wax engine bay corrosion protection

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Wed Nov 1 21:25:52 EST 2006

In order to clean up the mess left behind after a long term Pentosin  
leak I've scrubbed down the entire engine compartment and drivetrain  
with mineral spirits. In doing so I noticed that in spots I've  
removed a slightly yellowish coating that's on top of the paint. I've  
also noticed a paragraph in the Bentley and owner's manual that  
refers to reapplication of a wax coating is required after  thorough  
cleaning of the engine bay. If I'm not mistaken this is the coating  
that I've scrubbed off so I'm in need of said wax spray. Has anyone  
gotten it at the dealer or is there a suitable substitute?

In the aircraft world there is a product from LPS called "Hardcoat"  
that seems similar but it dries to a very noticeable dark brown which  
I suspect aids in visual inspection for proper coverage. I'd be happy  
with something that's more on the clear side. Liquid silicone based  
compounds I'm not interested in because once it's on there it never  
comes off and I'm leery of what it does to the environment.

Roy Wendell
erwendell at mac.com
Too many type 44 tq
A pair of MR2s

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