Wax engine bay corrosion protection

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 2 09:27:28 EST 2006

According to Martin Pajak on the urQ list, Wurth makes a similar product
that is available in spray cans. Look at what he's done to his winter
http://www.quattro.ca/19874kq/87-4kq.htm . 

You may ask him directly what to buy, martin at quattro.ca.

Oh, by the way, look at his winter wheels :-)


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : quattro-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] De la
> part de E. Roy Wendell IV
> Envoyé : 1 novembre, 2006 21:26
> À : quattro at audifans.com
> Objet : Wax engine bay corrosion protection
> In order to clean up the mess left behind after a long term Pentosin
> leak I've scrubbed down the entire engine compartment and drivetrain
> with mineral spirits. In doing so I noticed that in spots I've
> removed a slightly yellowish coating that's on top of the paint. I've
> also noticed a paragraph in the Bentley and owner's manual that
> refers to reapplication of a wax coating is required after  thorough
> cleaning of the engine bay. If I'm not mistaken this is the coating
> that I've scrubbed off so I'm in need of said wax spray. Has anyone
> gotten it at the dealer or is there a suitable substitute?
> In the aircraft world there is a product from LPS called "Hardcoat"
> that seems similar but it dries to a very noticeable dark brown which
> I suspect aids in visual inspection for proper coverage. I'd be happy
> with something that's more on the clear side. Liquid silicone based
> compounds I'm not interested in because once it's on there it never
> comes off and I'm leery of what it does to the environment.
> Roy Wendell
> erwendell at mac.com 
> Too many type 44 tq

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