Wax engine bay corrosion protection

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Nov 1 22:21:09 EST 2006

That coating is Cosmoline, available in liquid or spray.  Most auto
manufacturers included removal of the cosmoline in dealer prep procedure.
 I wouldn't worry about it unless you're going to be storing the car in a
very humid place for a long time.  If you've ever noticed that some auto
parts have a tacky feel to them, they've probably been coated in
cosmoline, it's an excellent corrosion inhibitor. 

"E. Roy Wendell IV" <erwendell at mac.com> writes:
> In order to clean up the mess left behind after a long term Pentosin  
> leak I've scrubbed down the entire engine compartment and drivetrain 
> with mineral spirits. In doing so I noticed that in spots I've  
> removed a slightly yellowish coating that's on top of the paint. 
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