the grill

mkb mkb125 at
Thu Nov 9 09:33:27 EST 2006

This is not to mention
some of the more touchy-feely goodness that a new car
has, such as
perfect, gleaming paintwork, a drum-tight, rattle-free
ride, and the
latest techno gizmo, etc.

Wouldn't know what you are talking about having never
owned a brand spanking new car ever and not intending
to anytime soon either.  I wouldn't be able to sleep
at night if I ever bought a new car.  I'd keep
thinking about the ding I just got in the shiny
paintwork while parked at the local grocery store.

It's hard to put a value on these things,
but they are worth something to a lot of people.


97 A4 18tqa 

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