brake slave misery

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Thu Nov 9 10:16:16 EST 2006

Could be worse, it could be a T85 / URQ with that
b at stard pin,

I did mine recently on the 200 10v and the bolt went
back in fine.
Louis-Alain was watching, and was perhaps a bit 
disappointed that  it
was sooooo much easier than his red URQ,
until we started trying to bleed
If you have reconnected the flexy hose then try
cracking the bleed
nipple to make sure that the slave is retracting
other that try the bolt without the slave in the way,
but i assume that
you have already done that.

It shouldn't be that tricky and I'm sure that all you
need is a few
moments of reflection and maybe some of the beer that
Peter mentioned
Don't forget that you just had the 'box out so
compared to that
challenge, you have no real reason to become
discouraged by one poxy bolt

as for bleeding, well the 2nd time (don't ask) I used
the Gunson
Eezibleed that pushes fluid through the system via the
Pedal bleeding was indeed a bit of an @rse and we
ended up using the
pedal to suck fluid through the bleed nipple and up to
the reservoir.


> terms of an Audi repair rite of passage.
> -Peter
> At 04:58 PM 11/8/2006, Kneale Brownson wrote:
>> I made the huge mistake of forgetting to install
the slave before I went
>> through the pain and strain of reinstalling the
transmission.  Now I can't
>> seem to get the retainer bolt started.   Anybody
got any sure-fire tricks
>> for this task?  I'm almost to the point of removing
the damned tranny again.
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