OBD II reader to OBD I

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 12 08:56:28 EST 2006

> From: "Rob Beatty" <beattyr2003 at cox.net>
> Subject: OBD II reader to OBD I
> To: <urq at pacbell.net>,	<V6-12v at audifans.com>,	<quattro at audifans.com>

> Steve and fellow Audifiles,
> I am trying to figure out if I can create the same adaptor as the VAG 5051/2
> that is used by the VAG-COM software to adapt OBD I to a fairly generic OBD
> II code reader.
> I saw that Steve has done this previous bit of work with the V8, and I am
> wondering if the same thing can be done with the pre-OBD II cars like the 95
> A6.  Steve's link is here.
> http://www.audifans.com/twiki/bin/view/Audi/AddingOBD-2Connector
> Anyone have any thoughts on this?  I have some information on fabrication of
> a OBD II interface for the VAG-COM software so I have that bit of
> information, I am hoping someone has done this before OR knows what the
> actual pinout of the OBD I to OBD II adaptor is and if its pure wiring or if
> it actually has some electronics inside it.

Easy fix - bought a cable for a fat $12.00 which INCLUDED fright which 
connects a standard OBD-II reader ($40 at Harbor Freight) to the OBD-I 
connectors in the floorboard area of my V8Q.

Comes from OBD-2Cables.com, part number 140101. List $9.95, it fits and 
works perfectly - you can't buy just the connectors for this price - no 
soldering, no fussing with color codes, all you do is plug it in. I wish 
everything for Audi was so easy - this is an utter no-brainer.

No affiliation, just an absolutely delighted customer.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
V8Q und look at all der pretty blingkingk lightz!

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