high-output alternators?

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Tue Oct 3 22:29:09 EDT 2006

> The only wiring I'm worried about is the battery/main splice, and  only 
> the splice. 

So, fix it?  Replace the wire... I remember Brendan once buying a Summit 
(I think) trunk battery kit just to get the cable, which was quite 
chunky and at least 20' long.

> I did test voltages once and found there wasn't a  
> staggering difference between alternator post and battery voltage.

Define "staggering"?  V=IR says that the higher the current over the 
resistance, the higher the voltage drop, IIRC.  Try measuring it while 
cranking sometime.  Or disconnect the alternator and make the big fan 
run, measure the battery to fan voltage drop.

Huw Powell



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