Trailer load Europe vs NA

cobram at cobram at
Thu Oct 12 14:50:39 EDT 2006

Geraint Lloyd <geraintlloyd_qc at> writes:
> just evolved like
> that though
> the differences in vehicle lighting regs is another
> odd one. i guess
> that it is just 2 ways to crack an egg,

The ridiculous lighting regulation$ here in the $tate$ was greatly
influenced by bribery to government official$ (gasp) by lighting and
associated manufacturers.
The $hit hit the fan a while back, fine$ were levied, tho$e re$pon$able
puni$hed (cough) and everything is back to normal and largely forgotten
Irony is that it was under full steam  under the watch of a NHTSA head in
the late 70's in the name of "$afety", this SAME person now heads a
private NGO which lobbies lawmakers for...yeah, you guess it, more
"$afety" regulations. 
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