driver's door will not open (unlocked)

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Thu Oct 19 13:38:07 EDT 2006

Just thought of something, since you have a spare
if you have spares, it might be worth disconnecting or
chopping the
locking and release rods before beating 7 shades of
poo out of the lock

if you don't have spares then i guess that advice
would be suicidal...
Still, don't forget the "Re: Ye Olde Parts (was door
handle linkage)" thread

David Kase wrote:
> I'm already in there DeWitt.  I have a hole cut in
the door panel.  I 
> also have an extra door on the garage floor for
reference.  It looks 
> like it is going to get ugly...
> Thanks,
> Dave
> DeWitt Harrison wrote:
>> I have the interior trim panels off. I will try to
>> out how to best apply a slim jim and report this
>> Maybe I can come up with something you will
>> find useful.
>> DeWitt
>> '88 5000CS
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Dave Kase" <davekase at>
>> To: "DeWitt Harrison" <six-rs at>
>> Cc: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:41 PM
>> Subject: Re: driver's door will not open (unlocked)
>>> I'll be damned, I'm set at 72 characters...
>>> Hang in there DW, just get in shape as soon all
older Audi owners will
>>> have to do the Bo & Luke Duke to get into their
>>> DeWitt Harrison wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 18:49:35  0000 (GMT)
>>>>            getur at wrote:
>>>> First off, it's a total pain in the rear to
respond to those who
>>>> don't bother to wrap their email lines at 60-80
characters. Half the
>>>> reply effort then involves reformatting those
lazy-ass, infinite line
>>>> length posts. I'd attempt to offer a helpful
reply 800% more often
>>>> if not for these nuisance posts. Whatever.
>>>> DeWitt Harrison
>>>> '88 5000CS
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