Cam timing in the 10V turbo motor / windage tray

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Wed Sep 13 16:14:19 EDT 2006

I think but am not positive that the type44's do not have a removeable
center support.

The V8s do, sort of.  The whole front assembly, headlight to headlight,
radiator and the whole trim piece above the bumper can be removed without
too much pain/aggravation.  Now that I've done it once, I'll likely do it
every time just for the sheer ease of doing the timing belt without anything
in the way.  I might be doing it again soon on my 5spd, dammit.

Great example of planning to drill those holes before cutting.  I'm not sure
I'd have caught that.  ;-)


On 9/13/06, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:
> > Is structural rigidity a concern for the front support?
> To some extent, certainly.  That's why I used fairly heavy hardware to
> reassemble.  You'll note that the three plates are in different planes,
> adding some 3-D strength.
> Remember also that the type 89 (and 44?) hav removeable center supports,
> although of course they might rely less on them for structure.
> > How recent is this mod?  How has it worked out in road use?
> It was done around 5 years ago, and was working fine.  Unfortunately,
> the car was in a small front end accident, enough to mess up that area,
> and the repair ended up being new sheet metal - welded in, of course.
> This car also had a strut tower brace, which is really the furthest
> forward place that real torques get transmitted into the body.
> Maybe if Brendan notices this thread he will have some comments on how
> it worked out, too.
> By the way, for some reassembly precision, although I don't mention it,
> the holes for the plates were aligned and drilled before I did the
> cutting.
> --
> Huw Powell

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