Shocking exhaust prices. CBL

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Thu Sep 14 09:18:49 EDT 2006


no worries for the ECP reminder.
I have contacts in Wrexham (or Wrecsam if yo are a
traditionalist) which
is why i asked where you were....

Was it you asking about Carling Black Label in north
I went to the offy (corner shop) last night to
replenish the ale stock
and guess what........
Brewed over here by Molsen under licence......
I can't send you proof in the way of photos, because i
didn't buy any
I can't explain why, but i really didn't fancy it

I was helping a mate fix his hazard warning lights the
other day. He had
some curious problem with the electrics
on his MGB. How unusual.

No matter how far you run, some things always catch up
with you!

Canadian resident for the last 60 weeks

Robin Hodder wrote:
>    Thanks Geraint and others,
> 	Yup it's a fwd KV 5pot and i'm in northamptonshire.
 I forgot about ECP and
> have ordered from them, looking back thru my
receipts I see that my present
> mid box came from them in 1998 , so it has done
fairly well, as you say
> better than the Flick sh1t solution..
> 	As the cars a keeper I should really be looking at
a custom stainless
> system I guess..
> 	Cheers Rob.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geraint Lloyd
[mailto:geraintlloyd_qc at]
> Sent: 12 September 2006 15:04
> To: robin.hodder at;
quattro at
> Subject: Re: Shocking exhaust prices.
> you tried ECP?
> I know they have a slightly iffy reputation compared
> to GSF, but there we go
> They are listing a front box for a 2.2 for 18 squids
> plus the dreaded.
> looks like a mickey mouse part, but then the front
> gets hot and
> traps less moisture that the rear. might last a bit
> longer than the
> statutory 357 "Kwik Fit" "rot out from the inside"
> disintegration period.
> I assume that it's a 2wd 5pot coupé.
> Where in the UK are you?
> Geraint
> Geraint Lloyd
> Montréal
> People's Republic of Canadia
> '89 200 TQA MCII
> '87 Group N Golf 2 GTI, 8v, RHD
> big 'word wrap' issues in Thunderbird
> Robin Hodder wrote:
>>   Hi Gang,
>>     Long time no post, as for some reason my old
> account continues to
>> receive digests but refuses to accept my posts -
> Have I upset someone in
>> authority I wonder??
>> 	Anyway I am looking for a couple of exhaust parts
> for my '87 CGT and was
>> rather shocked when I went to the dealer, - the
> front silencer (more of a
>> resonator really) cost me £25.20 from them back in
> 2000, now they want £90
>> plus and the item is on back order. The mid and
> silencer are also
>> similar prices, but I think they always were.
>>       German an Swedish no londer stock these
> Anyone UK based know of
>> another source? or WTF with the crazy price
> indcease?
>> Cheers
>> Rob the hod.
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