NAC: Tool for bushing removal/installation

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at
Fri Sep 22 12:31:53 EDT 2006

> Well, maybe worth about $60, but I've heard people have
> had success with a tool from Harbor Freight:
> Go to: 
> Do an item number search on: 45210-3VGA
> Kent McLean

Thanks Kent but the bolt is too big for the inner diameter of the
bushing... :-(

BTW, I've called Kent-Moore to know the price of the OEM Saab/SPX
puller: 680$, no less... This one is clearly made of gold... or

Now, this might be of interest for the Audifans listers: I've bought an
OTC 7249 ball joint puller (130$CAN) to do this job. The adaptors in the
kit are not suitable for the Saab (but they fit perfectly the Type 85
a-arms bushings !), but with some creativity I've managed to find some
"custom adapters" that will fit. 
- A 46mm 3/4 drive socket (to act as a receiver for the old bushing).
- A 1"1/4 1/2 drive socket (to push it tru the knuckle). (6$)
- The huge 7249 C-clamp and its bolt.
- a 1/2-3/4 square drive adaptor to "guide" the 1"1/4 box. (5$)

Armed with all that, I am sure the lil' ba$tard will come out easily. 

To reinstall the new bushing, I need another socket, a 36mm one this
time (12$). This one is bigger than the bushing itself, but what's
important is that the inner diameter of the 36mm gives some place for
the "dust boot" of the new bushing. Yes, strangely, this bushing has 2
dust boots exactly like a tie-rod end or a ball joint
.  Never seen that before. Maybe the A4 and A6 are like that ? My
experience with Audis is limited to the Type 85 and 44...

Now, for 175$CAN, I have a device that will help me do any press-fit
component on my Quattro. Gee, thinking of it, I will replace the last
rubber bit on my car that is still original, the big rearmost center
bushing of the rear diff ! It is in my personal to-do list (and in my
parts store...) since 2002... 

And I guess that Geraint's 200tqa and Brady's fleet of 5 cylinders (urQ,
200tqa20v and 4000q) will need it too...

Sorry for the LAC, 

Montreal QC

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