Canada import

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Mon Apr 2 10:24:51 EDT 2007

If it is over 15 years old then it is exempt from  the RIV and Transport
Canada regulations.
hence the dirth of early 90s Nissan Skyline gtrs floating around.
AFAIK these rhd turbo 4wd monsters were not available in north america.

it has been suggested that the aforementioned dirth of 15 year old +
GTRs and evos making the trip from tokyo to vancouver in order to
satisfy the appetite of  the BC boy racers, may cause TC to increase the
15 year limit.

there is a lister in montreal who has imported a 91 20v tqa
I have a 20tqa 10v that someone else imported from arizona and a 1987 UK
spec golf 2 gti 8v that i imported when i moved in 2005.
spec wise, the golf is about as far away as you can get for use in north
america. everything on it is either MOT, TUV or Euro Type Approved with
stuff all DOT approved, but it's old enough.....


Peter Berrevoets - IT Pro. wrote:
> Unfortunately the 20V 200 (1991) may not be importable into Canada
> according. It was previously on the list available here
> listed as
> inadmissible . Due to the age (over 15 years) there may now be exemptions to
> this, but it would be a good idea to check with
> to make sure you
> don't get stopped at the border or refused a plate once in the country.
> Long time lurker,
> 1990 200TQ - Toronto, Canada
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