T44 Euro light wiring

cody at 5000tq.com cody at 5000tq.com
Mon Apr 2 11:40:58 EDT 2007

Quoting Geraint Lloyd <geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca>:

> there is a conversation about DRLs on the 20v list with some guy
> importing a 20v 200 to canada
> IMHO the H3 is too bright and is aimed too high to use as a DRL you will
> blind oncoming traffic and maybe start a fight / accident / legal action.
> better to use the low beam on the H4 or the city light
> I have the Euros on my 200 wired in Euro fashion so: off - parking
> (city) lights - low beam with pull/push for high beam.
> the city lights are not that dim though......
> true, you can't see where you are going but even the poxy 5w bulb makes
> you visible to others from about 2km away.
> it just depends if you want your nutter b at astard 5000 to be visible at
> distance......officer..........

I suppose that makes sense. I had actually not yet turned them on  
before I sent that message even though they were wired/fused/relayed  
in already. After turning the H3's on I see your point for sure. My  
city lights though seem exceptionally dim and very deep yellow in  
color, I need to make sure the proper bulbs are installed.

-Cody Forbes

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