windshield recommendations?

Vittorio Bares Vittorio.Bares at
Tue Apr 3 01:06:48 EDT 2007

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make - but I guess you agree
that when you're having your windshield done - beware, it's a job that
requires using sharp blades and the probability of damage is high due to
market pressures that glass industry is under. Make sure the installer
takes the prescribed preventative measures to protect those areas that
are damaged. And further if you're there watching more care might be
taken in doing the job and if damage extends to visible parts of the car
you might be able to get it fixed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Huw Powell [mailto:audi at] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 1:15 AM
To: Vittorio Bares
Cc: Dan DiBiase; Scott Phillips; thejimrose; Quattro List
Subject: Re: windshield recommendations?

> It's a shame that people just don't take pride in the quality of their
> work anymore...

Oh, I think they do... but the market forces them to work quickly and 

Think, would you pay $100 or $500 for labor to get a w/s replaced?

I'm thinking the 500 gets you "el primo" pride of work quality... 100 
just "gits 'er done" and you sell it or junk it before it rusts out.

Huw Powell

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