'New' 99 A6Q

Bill Shaw b.shaw at comcast.net
Tue Apr 10 20:30:19 EDT 2007


I'm new here.  Just bought a '99 A6Q wagon in need of a timing belt.  
It's been parked for about a year because the PO was (rightly) afraid of 
breaking the timing belt and didn't take the time to get it fixed.  I'm 
going to tow it home this weekend and do the timing belt/water pump,  
and I'm looking for resources. I've done a lot of Porsche timing belts 
so I'm familiar with these types of procedures.

When I bought my 928 I found Rennlist and a CD with all the manuals and 
procedures.  Great resources.  I've been searching around here and it 
looks like the Bentleys manuals are about all that's available.  Is 
there something else that I've missed?  Anyone selling a CD with 
manuals, procedures, exploded views, part numbers, etc?  Are there any 
good web sites documenting the TB procedure?  Where do you guys get parts?


'99 A6Q Wagon
'94 Z28-A4 winter beater
'84 928s 5 sp. Vortech/749
'84 Mondial Cab.

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