A6 CV joint

john at westcoastgarage.net john at westcoastgarage.net
Fri Apr 20 00:52:35 EDT 2007

Hmmmmm.  Well, you'd need a puller with a 12mm shaft about 8-10" long, with 
a tip that would go through a 13.5 mm hole, and a span that would you to 
clear the bulk of the joint and still grip the joint securely without 
damaging the tone wheel.  Doable, for sure, but possibly hard to find the 
tool.  The bolt is simple, fits in your toolbox in the shallowest of 
drawers, and is readily available, as a new one comes in every boot kit.  If 
the brand you buy doesn't have the bolt, you didn't want that brand anyway. 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Grant Lenahan" <glenahan at vfemail.net>
To: "Roy Wendell" <erwendell at mac.com>
Cc: <john at westcoastgarage.net>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: A6 CV joint

>I would suggest a 3-arm puller.
> Any reason this isn;t superior to the other methods?
> Grant
> On Apr 19, 2007, at 8:33 PM, Roy Wendell wrote:
>> The key is which bolt you use. The original bolt is only threaded on
>> about the last inch with the balance being a necked down smooth
>> portion. The replacements, both male hex and allen head, are all
>> thread. I almost destroyed a joint trying to pop out the shaft with the
>> original bolt because I ran out of thread before the axle popped and
>> the last couple of threads near the necked portion got bunged up. I
>> couldn't turn the bolt in any further because the washer was tight up
>> again the splined stub shaft. I couldn't get the bolt back out because
>> the threads were messed up. I ended up cutting the head off the bolt
>> and driving out the whole lot with a drift. I've since done two joints
>> using the newer all thread replacement bolts with no problem. The
>> actual audi tool is just a threaded rod with a pointed tip to fit the
>> dimple in the end of the shaft. Functionally it's no different from
>> using the bolt except for the smaller bearing surface area and
>> corresponding lower turning force.
>> Roy
>> On Apr 12, 2007, at 2:51 PM, John Larson wrote:
>>> You said ...... "Using the bolt to pull the joint apart doesn't always
>>> work FYI. I've
>>> personally destroyed a bolt and outer CV of a customers car, so I'm
>>> speaking from experience here." .............snip ................
>>> In the 50 or so of these I've done, I have yet to have this problem.
>>> Maybe I've been lucky?  I DO think the bolt is a bit short, and I keep
>>> thinking I dhould make a tool.  I think a .5" nub at the tip would do
>>> it.  Like I have the time to make one!
>>> John

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