A6 CV joint
Grant Lenahan
glenahan at vfemail.net
Thu Apr 19 22:02:08 EDT 2007
I would suggest a 3-arm puller.
Any reason this isn;t superior to the other methods?
On Apr 19, 2007, at 8:33 PM, Roy Wendell wrote:
> The key is which bolt you use. The original bolt is only threaded on
> about the last inch with the balance being a necked down smooth
> portion. The replacements, both male hex and allen head, are all
> thread. I almost destroyed a joint trying to pop out the shaft with the
> original bolt because I ran out of thread before the axle popped and
> the last couple of threads near the necked portion got bunged up. I
> couldn't turn the bolt in any further because the washer was tight up
> again the splined stub shaft. I couldn't get the bolt back out because
> the threads were messed up. I ended up cutting the head off the bolt
> and driving out the whole lot with a drift. I've since done two joints
> using the newer all thread replacement bolts with no problem. The
> actual audi tool is just a threaded rod with a pointed tip to fit the
> dimple in the end of the shaft. Functionally it's no different from
> using the bolt except for the smaller bearing surface area and
> corresponding lower turning force.
> Roy
> On Apr 12, 2007, at 2:51 PM, John Larson wrote:
>> You said ...... "Using the bolt to pull the joint apart doesn't always
>> work FYI. I've
>> personally destroyed a bolt and outer CV of a customers car, so I'm
>> speaking from experience here." .............snip ................
>> In the 50 or so of these I've done, I have yet to have this problem.
>> Maybe I've been lucky? I DO think the bolt is a bit short, and I keep
>> thinking I dhould make a tool. I think a .5" nub at the tip would do
>> it. Like I have the time to make one!
>> John
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