Is the B3 Radiator Repairable?

Chris Talley talleycm at
Wed Aug 8 14:16:52 EDT 2007

On 8/7/07, Kneale Brownson <knealeski at> wrote:
> Good luck with the Nissens.  A number of Audifans listers tried going that
> way because their OEM plastic radiators only lasted 10 or so years.  Most
> reported issues with the Nissens installation (poor welding/placement of
> anchoring fasteners, etc.) lack of auxiliary radiator taps and/or relatively
> short life in use.  That was several years ago, when a bunch of us had the
> OEM radiators fail.  I think some of the Nissens worked out OK, but the
> majority did not.
> Regards, Kneale

 The installation with the Nissens went well everything lined up, I had to
> clean the paint out of the threads with a tap to get the bolts all the way
> in for the shroud and condenser, I wish I had figured that out before I had
> it most of the way installed.

  What are people using besides the Nissens? I didn't have time to be too


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