Help! 87 2.3L CGT fuel distributor woes

Wayne Reser popflyz at
Wed Dec 19 14:29:32 PST 2007

I'm having my local mechanic perform some much needed work on Coupe #2.  He narrowed the the no-run problem to the fuel distributor. Got a replacement from Chris at Force5. It worked for one day and then reportedly failed during the final test drive. 
  The mechanic has said that it would be best to use a fuel distributor pulled from a running car; that a FD that was allowed to "dry-out" had a higher probability of failure or even being DOA. I suppose then that I should feel lucky that this replacement ran at all but I can't figure the logic of wet vs. dry.  
  Any opinions on the matter?  
  Should I contact Chris for a second fuel distributor, or hope that some other Coupe or 4K owner signed an automotive organ donor card?

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