I5 rebuild kits?

Eric Huppert dragracer at netstep.net
Thu Feb 15 20:46:10 EST 2007

Fuzzy dog,

Agree with Peter.... These engines are fairly bulletproof, my 87 had over
400k on it and no problems. (Son destroyed everything else besides the
engine, and it still ran)

Add to Peters list: valve cover gasket, and the biggie, exhaust manifold
studs (may have to remove head if studs broken), agree with replacing
lifters, and seeing as how you're that close may as well do valve seals. I'd
also do clutch, slave and TO bearing while in there. Run a compression check
prior to doing any work!

Had a discussion with my parts supplier recently. They are friends with and
partially sponsor a type 44 rally car. Rally Owner makes big power and uses
stock, USED, shortblocks. Unless there was a oil pressure issue install the
normal maintenance type stuff, clean it up, and run it!


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