Sensor Pins for camshaft triggered ignition
ldc007usa at
Wed Jan 10 12:03:35 EST 2007
This discussion between Cody and Javad is getting
quite juicy and although is none of my business I will
butt in anyway ;-)
I have never dealt with Javad and the only thing I
know is that Cody spoke very highly of him about 4
years ago or so when I used to hang out at his dad's
shop in Delray Beach, Fl.
As for Cody, I have found him to be a very, very
creative and knowledgeable Audi/Porsche person, but
most importantly, he's an HONEST and good willed guy.
When I first met Cody, he was still on his late teens
and despite his young age, I was impressed with his
level of maturity and responsibility while joggling
school and car projects from paying customers at his
dads shop. That's something you can't say about
today's teenagers.
The point being is that if Cody had issues with both
Javad and his products, I believe him.
No, I'm not kissing Cody's ass, as I don't believe in
such thing, Im simply attesting to his character.
As for Javad, I would take Codys improvement
suggestions to bank on them.
Hope everything is resolved courteously, if not
amicably, between Cody and Javad.
--- John Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:
> Javad Shadzi wrote:
> > Cody, just to reference your point here, I
> honestly have NO
> > recollection of any conversation's we've had in
> the past, over the
> > last 10 years or so I have had countless email
> conversations with
> > thousands of people giving advice about their
> projects. I can't
> > imagine this conversation was in the last 2-3
> years, but regardless,
> > I hope we can move on?
> I'd love to call a truce. I understand what you mean
> completely about having
> tons of messages going through your box. This was
> quite a while ago, back
> when both you and Jim Green were on 10v'ers, well
> before Jim had the
> intercooler that would make a Peterbuilt jealous.
> You, Jim, and I used to
> message back and fourth on a regular basis. Jim was
> going to run a
> MegaSquirt on his 90 when you offered him a good
> deal on becoming sort of a
> "beta tester" for your stuff. Jim and I still talk
> now and then.
> >
> > If I offended or pissed you off in one of our
> conversations, then I
> > apologize, but as you know interpreting email tone
> and definition is
> > sometimes difficult and lines can get crossed.
> >
> > I'm surprised if I said such a thing to you, but
> if you interpreted
> > what I said as offensive, then I certainly didn't
> mean to piss you
> > off, and I certainly wouldn't want it to continue
> to come between us
> > even now.
> Of course I do know about e-mails being easy to
> misinterpret, but it was
> sort of a direct thing. Who knows, maybe your dog
> had just died or something
> ;-), but it was said. Actually going on what was
> said about Jim with
> MegaSquirt, I believe that is where it all started.
> A topic came up on this
> very list about MS. You and I had a 'violent
> agreement' (tm Bob D'Amato)
> about sequential injection, then it escalted to the
> final e-mail about my
> project.
> >
> > It sounds like you have a very cool project, and I
> know nothing about
> > it, if you have more information on it I'd love to
> check it and to
> > see what you've accomplished thus far. 500Hp out
> of a 10vt is
> > certainly impressive.
> Well if it gives you any indication, back when we
> used to talk I had such an
> appreciation for you and your car that I registered
> '', to follow
> the same lines as ''. I tried to convince
> Jim to get '', but
> he never bit. My website should cover what you need
> to know ;-).
> -Cody Forbes
> '86 5k noT noQ
> '86 5k noT noQ - Parting Out
> '87 5ktq
> '87 5ktq - Fast. Really Fast.
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