NG with blown head long can it run like that?

TooManyAudis at TooManyAudis at
Wed Jan 17 13:07:15 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/17/2007 10:00:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
quattro-request at writes:
Buy the 80q.  
I replaced the head gasket on my 80q a few years ago.  It's not an  overly 
hard job.  We'll talk you through it.
If you can change a timing belt, you can replace the head gasket.  In  fact, 
I'd send the head off to be planed, cleaned, and to have new valve guides  and 
valve seals installed.  Then, throw away that receipt and rally the  car.  
If the 80q is in decent shape besides the head gasket, you'll have a great  
car for the money once it's all done.
-- Tom

Message:  3
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 20:12:48 -0500
From: "David Ullrich"  <david.ullrich at>
Subject: NG with blown head  long can it run like that?
To: Q-list  <quattro at>
<f4c312c80701161712i1cd044dbmd4398c5b29bec246 at>
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Hey all,

As I  mentioned a while back, I am going to do the BABE Rally in May and am
in  search of a car. I have found a 1988 80q  for sale that just might  fit
the bill. But, and this might be a big apparently has a blown  head
gasket. It blows white smoke and uses a bit of coolant. My
long can a NG take that kind of abuse (being run/driven with  a bad head
gasket)? No sign of fluid mixing (like no oil in the coolant and  no coolant
in the oil) according to the current owner. The reason I ask is  I would just
run as is and not try to mess with it. I would barely be able  to get the car
for the max I am allowed to spend on my "race car" so doing  mechanical
repairs wont likely be possible (unless somebody local is  willing to donate
the labor and I buy the gasket, I'm a terrible wrench and  wouldn't even try
to do it myself). SO, anyone care to chime in on the idea  of running an NG
with a bad head gasket? Suicide? Car needs to make it from  where it is
bought, to Baltimore MD (or Norfolk VA) then in May from there  up to NYC May
and down to New Orleans.


87 CGT  2.3

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