she starts, she won't run - 1990 200QA (very long)

Eric Huppert dragracer at
Mon Jan 22 11:48:33 EST 2007


Car's not sounding so good! bummer

I might be confused, and will pull out the Bentley, but believe the fuel
distribution head is mechanical, works off the air flow sensor plate. Find
it hard to believe (but suppose it is possible) that temperature variation
could affect mechanical operation or cause it to bind. Would think someone's
got a fuel head laying around! (Nope, not me)

I'm thinking a sensor or wiring is bad, or a vacuum leak. Has the ISV been
cleaned? If stuck open it could cause a vacuum leak and gunk could soften up
with heat and allow it to work. (Guess the fuel head could do the same)

I would start with vacuum leaks (Most obvious and common issue with these
cars) and start on temp related sensors. Does the car make full boost when

Did anyone run the codes???????

Like I said previously, think your mechanic missed something...

Where are you located? Maybe a lister is close by that could take a stab at


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