5ktq speedometer error

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 08:24:45 EST 2007

Has your respective speedos inaccuracy changed recently, or have they always
been off?

If they haven't changed, it's by design (apparently, German law allows the
automaker whom sells in Germany to be sued (can't recall by who, the car's
owner if they receive a ticky, or the Gov't themselves) if the speedo reads
low under "normal" circumstances, i.e. different tires that are within the
recommended mfgs size choices, + sizing, etc.) so the tendency is that the
German speedos are purposely rather ambitious in their reading. As I recall,
when I've bothered to calibrate, ALL of my German cars have read at least 4+
MPH higher than actual. The closest to accurate is the Saabaru, which is
actually made in Japan. It's only 3 off.


On 1/25/07, Ameer Antar <antar at comcast.net> wrote:
> I can't be of much help, but I'm pretty sure my speedo is ~5 miles over
> too. No
> pulsing though. I'm not sure if it's a design problem or just aging
> components.
> Has anyone else noticeed this on their 5kt/tq? I'm curious to hear how you
> noticed this? I compared my speed while tailing my brother in a newer car.
> -Ameer
> -------------------- Original Message --------------------
> > Message: 5
> > Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 17:04:51 -0500 (EST)
> > From: Kurt Deschler [desch at alum.wpi.edu]
> > Subject: 5ktq speedometer error
> > To: quattro at audifans.com
> > Message-ID: [Pine.LNX.4.63.0701251701130.24874 at cs.wpi.edu]
> > Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> >
> >
> > The speedo on my 5ktq is around 6mph on the high side. In addition, it
> > pulses at low RPMs. My suspicion is a bad capacitor somewhere, but I
> > really know how these speedos work. Anyone seen this before or have a
> fix?
> >
> >     -Kurt
> >     87 5kcstq
> >     89 200tq
> >     00 s4
> >     95 s6
> >
> >
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