1987 tq clutch pedal drops

aaron... jungle at hickorytech.net
Fri Jun 1 18:22:55 EDT 2007

sounds like a failed slave cyl to me.

George Kotjarapoglus wrote:
> My clutch pedal was not fully returning when depressed.  I could still shift 
> but halfway home, it was getting tough to get it in gear so I was used third 
> gear and cautiously do a slow pass on stop signs.  Made it home, and that 
> was it -- could not get it into any gear.  AAA towed it to my mechanic, who 
> got in the car and the clutch and pedal were working fine.  After using it 
> for a week, pedal was acting up again in a similir fashion.  He is good 
> mechanic, and tells me the clutch and slave cyclinder are not the problem, 
> and fluid level if fine, but not sure what it the problem is causing the 
> pedal to not fully return.  Any wisdom would be appreciated
> Thanks
> George A. Kotjarapoglus
> 1987 tq
> 1990 t
> 1994 100q 
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