C4 chassis - dash temperature sensor fan

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 23 16:05:57 EDT 2007

I sprayed a lube down the vent on my 200q20v when that fan started squealing during really cold weather maybe three winters ago.  I used a penetrating spray lubricant with teflon in it made by Radiator Specialties Co (Gunk).  Some FLAPS carry it and some don't.  The product number is L5-08.    The fan made noise last winter for the first time again.  I've had Scott Mockry's replacement fan here for a couple years but haven't gotten to the task.  Requires dash cover removal to gain access to the motor.

"Eyvind E. Spangen" <200q20v at bluezone.no> wrote:  The small fan which draws air over the dash temperature sensor in my dad's
'92 100 is squeaking in warm weather. How can I get to this thing and
lubricate it without tearing apart the whole dash? The car does not have a
passenger airbag.. :)

E. Spangen

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