Changing the coolant in a 5k is a pita plus quattro Digest, Vol 43, Issue 59

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Fri May 25 14:20:59 EDT 2007

Cody's idea sounds great.  
My Q is:  Wouldn't you need the T stat to open for a cycle to get block 
-Scott by BOSTON

> cobram at wrote:
> > Suggestions and comments on this thread are all good ideas.  Now that 
> > it's summer, just fill with water, drive around with windows open and 
> > heater on, dump water and keep doing this until what you get out is 
> > pretty much clean water.  Then run a flush through, and do the same 
> > thing until you're sure all the flush is gone and you're back to 
> > "pure" H2O. Dump from bottom rad hose and fill with 100% good ole 
> > green, should take about a gallon.  The block and nooks and crannies 
> > hold about half the coolant, even with the bottom hose off.
> W(h)y not use the electric coolant pump? Disconnect the input hose, run a 
> line to
> a bucket of water (pure or otherwise as you see fit) and connect it to the
> pump inlet, then the hose from the engine that used to be connected to the
> pump run to another bucket. You could just watch the clarity and do it in one
> sitting, unless I'm totally off base and the flow isn't right.

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