Clear coat repair

Sun May 27 12:27:17 EDT 2007

In a message dated 5/27/2007 10:39:06 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
quattro-request at writes:

From:  Huw Powell <audi at>
Subject: Re: clear coat  repair
To: bob terwilliger <jitsu303 at>
Cc: Kevin Smith  <kevins9 at>, quattro at
Message-ID:  <4658A2E0.3090301 at>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

I dunno what all the fuss is about,  after all the clear coat has peeled 
off it looks ok again.  For a  matte finish, anyway.

My solution - a gallon of Glidden and a 6"  brush.  Git er done...
I think what you want is rustoleum. See this month's "Hot Rod", the "98  
Dollar Paint Job".  Or, my favorite resource, They have ably  got me 
through the restoration of my '64 Plymouth and '67 Dodge. 
This is a 100 page thread on roller painting with rustoleum (the Canadian  
version is preferred). There are now 2 "Daughter" threads, those deal with the  
problem of clear coating the rustoleum. 6000 members, any question answered. 
I have posted the question to moparts. The thread is 
3527622)    with 6000 members, the board moves real fast. Responses will 
probably end when  the post falls off the first page. That just happened to my 
most recent post on  the best media, pressure and nozzle size for blasting off 
In a prior thread, someone cautioned on painting enamel over lacquer. I  
think it is the reverse, lacquer attacks enamel, but enamel can be painted over  
lacquer. I think it has been 40 years since a car saw enamel. In any case, my  
local supplier will mix modern paint, color matched by computer or "color 
books"  for $45.00 a pint. You still need reducer, so you end up with two pints. I 
 think you need to buy the clear by the gallon. SEM Products sells a rattle 
can  clear enamel. The Preval bottles now sell for $4.98. 
Tom Faust

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