80q Ignition Lock Cylinder R & R
Fred Munro
munrof at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 25 18:19:10 PST 2007
Can't help you with the lock removal, but you can buy a set of the most
common security bits that fit into any hex driver ( like the standard
multi-bit drivers that come with all those loose bits in the hollow handle
that spill all over the place when your trying to find the No.2 Phillips bit
that isn't in the set).
Fred Munro
'97 S6
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of toomanyaudis at aol.com
Sent: November 25, 2007 7:24 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: 80q Ignition Lock Cylinder R & R
I am in need of replacing the ignition lock cylinder on my 88 80q (turns
about 1/4 of the required amount before jamming up on me).
I need to remove the housing to replace the cylinder, and I was wondering
what all I needed to take apart to get to this blasted thing part.
Do i need to move (remove?)?the steering column, or does the housing detach
from the column in some rational manner?
I removed the steering wheel and the column switches to take a peak at the
internal workings, and was confronted with what appeared to be a bolt with a
security torx head (it's got a thingy in the middle like the kind they use
to assemble bathroom stalls to keep drunk fraternity boys from taking the
stalls apart) and i am at a standstill.
I used a well-chewed piece of gum to get an impression of the bolt head so
that I could then get the correct bit.? Lowes didn't have it, although the
Tool World attendant was quite impressed with my chewing gum ingenuity.
Does anyone know if I can purchase such a bit independently, or does it only
come with commercial bathroom stall assemblies?
More importantly, will removing this bolt allow me to remove the lock
cylinder housing without further invasive automotive disassembly?
Your assistance is appreciated.
Tom Werner
Charleston SC
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