roadside help needed.

Ado Sigal a.sigal at
Sun Oct 28 03:21:57 PDT 2007

To be able to move the car, one has to undue a bleeding nipple 
momentarily somewhere on the brake circuit, to release the pressure. 
Best on proportioning valve, but elsewhere would also do. After that the 
car can be moved and even driven, but same would happen again, and if 
same pressure release procedure is applied, you'll be able to reach your 
destination.  My problem was combination of "bomb" and proportioning valve.

HTH, Ado

I.S. Gall wrote:

>any listers near or around Rock Springs Wyoming or know of a good
>mechanic willing to work sundays?
>Car is a 91 200q20v with apparent brake issues.
>rear calipers would not release (ebrake cable OK) I was able to
>release pads by manually pushing out pads. At same time there was a
>speed related rubbing noise coming from the front, while pulling into
>the breakdown lane the car was abrubtly halted by locked breaks.
>Car cannot be moved eitehr forward or reverse nor could it be pushed
>off the highway by hwy patrol.
>Could this be an abs computer malfunction? new ufo rotors and pads
>were just installed and the system was bled on tuesday.
>any help would be appreciated, I can be reached on my cell at 408 813
>8839. Please excuse any typos as this is being typed on my mobile
>thanks in advance for any and all help.

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