Odd 4K no start

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Sat Apr 5 11:15:36 PDT 2008

Gas + spark + air = bang. it may not bang smoothly, but it will bang.
So one of those is missing ( could of course be timing of the 3).

How did you check the spark - did you SEE a spark jump on a plug  
removed from the motor? Did you measure the voltage on the plug lead?  
Neither of those? Then you don;t really know you have spark.  Also,  
how do you know you have gas - did you pull a plug? The pump can  
pump, yet the injectors dont dispense.  Rare, but possible.



On Apr 5, 2008, at 1:25 PM, DK wrote:

> Very odd no start with my 87 4000. I have spark when cranking, new  
> fuel pump
> that works (primes) and I can hear the fuel injectors when lifting  
> the CIS
> plate. I can also smell the fuel when cranking after a while, and  
> hear the
> fuel pump relay activating when turning the distributor. Double  
> checked
> timing, which is dead on.
> Very confused what is going, and why it doesn't want to start... I  
> have the
> Bentley but it is not helpful in this situation.
> I am not sure if it is the ignition ping on the flywheel (as per  
> bentley) or
> something else? It is mentioned in the Bentley when replacing the  
> flywheel,
> not to bend the pins. On my 20020v it makes sense, as it has  
> sensors there,
> but not the 4k...?
> Here are some recent changes/replacements I made to the car.
> -clutch master & slave
> -coolant temp sensor
> -coolant sensor temp gauage
> -replaced wires on the transmission (reverse lights not working,  
> but other
> cables where cut, so I thought might be something like a hall  
> sensor or
> something...)
> earlier, about 2 weeks ago starting I thought the CIS had some  
> troubles
> keeping up, but after some troubleshooting it seemed like it had some
> ignition issues... I reset timing and it started right up. So what  
> it gong
> on?
> DK
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