'86 5KTQ: Bad alternator/voltage regulator? UPDATE

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 16 09:54:15 PDT 2008

This is what the '86 5KTQ's cluster looks like, as
seen on Anthony Ander's link on items for sale:


The battery icon (Alternator?) is best seem on the
second picture from top on the right-hand column. 

This icon should light up if I ground (negative) to
the chassis the exciter blue wire while engine is

Isn't that blue wire hot (positively charged) and,
thus, ground it would cause a short?

Or by "put that to ground" you mean:

Take a digital multi-meter or light and hook up the
positive terminal TO the blue exciter wire (while
disconnected from the Alt) and the other terminal on
the multi-meter or light to a ground in the engine?

I'm sorry for my confusion.
Thanks again


--- "Bares, Vittorio" <Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com>

> Disconnect blue wire from the Alt, put that to
> ground. This should result in your alt light coming
> on.

> Don't know what it looks like on the 5k cluster -
> I've got a 200aqt 10v...but its not what come on in 
> the computer display. Just the idiot light (no
> association to you intended
> ;).
> Vittorio -
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L DC [mailto:ldc007usa at yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 11:13 AM
> To: Bares, Vittorio; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: '86 5KTQ: Bad alternator/voltage
> regulator? UPDATE
> Thanks for your reply Vittorio
> I have a couple of Qs to your response if you could
> please clarify.
> > To verify if the exciter wire is ok - you can put
> > it to ground while the car is running. 
> You mean disconnect that wire at alternator as
> suppose to disconnect it and ground it??
> If so, I disconnected it yesterday while engine was
> running and asked my friend, who was sitting in the
> driver's seat, to see if anything flashed in the
> instrument cluster and he said nothing did. Will
> double check that again to make sure.
> > This should light up the Alt light on the cluster
> > (nothing to do w/the icon in the screen).
> I believe you mean the affixed battery icon (painted
> in white) on the cluster?
> Thanks again. 
> -Louis

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