'86 5KTQ: Bad alternator/voltage regulator? UPDATE
Bares, Vittorio
Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com
Wed Apr 16 10:16:41 PDT 2008
Yes it would be the battery icon.
Now you're drilling a little deeper than where I have 100% confidence -
but reasoning this out (and hoping that the more knowledgeable on the
list will jump in if I'm out in the weeds) - the exciter wire is
connected to the light bulb - side (+ side has power), as long as there
is power coming thru the exciter wire (generated by the alt when
running), the bulb stays off. If there is no power generated by the
alternator - this then goes to ground, lighting the bulb.
All this tests is to make sure the exciter wire has continuity all the
way to the alt. You could do this in several ways - but this is - to me,
the most convenient.
Vittorio -
-----Original Message-----
From: L DC [mailto:ldc007usa at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:54 PM
To: Bares, Vittorio; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: RE: '86 5KTQ: Bad alternator/voltage regulator? UPDATE
This is what the '86 5KTQ's cluster looks like, as
seen on Anthony Ander's link on items for sale:
The battery icon (Alternator?) is best seem on the
second picture from top on the right-hand column.
This icon should light up if I ground (negative) to
the chassis the exciter blue wire while engine is
Isn't that blue wire hot (positively charged) and,
thus, ground it would cause a short?
Or by "put that to ground" you mean:
Take a digital multi-meter or light and hook up the
positive terminal TO the blue exciter wire (while
disconnected from the Alt) and the other terminal on
the multi-meter or light to a ground in the engine?
I'm sorry for my confusion.
Thanks again
--- "Bares, Vittorio" <Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com>
> Disconnect blue wire from the Alt, put that to
> ground. This should result in your alt light coming
> on.
> Don't know what it looks like on the 5k cluster -
> I've got a 200aqt 10v...but its not what come on in
> the computer display. Just the idiot light (no
> association to you intended
> ;).
> Vittorio -
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L DC [mailto:ldc007usa at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 11:13 AM
> To: Bares, Vittorio; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: '86 5KTQ: Bad alternator/voltage
> regulator? UPDATE
> Thanks for your reply Vittorio
> I have a couple of Qs to your response if you could
> please clarify.
> > To verify if the exciter wire is ok - you can put
> > it to ground while the car is running.
> You mean disconnect that wire at alternator as
> suppose to disconnect it and ground it??
> If so, I disconnected it yesterday while engine was
> running and asked my friend, who was sitting in the
> driver's seat, to see if anything flashed in the
> instrument cluster and he said nothing did. Will
> double check that again to make sure.
> > This should light up the Alt light on the cluster
> > (nothing to do w/the icon in the screen).
> I believe you mean the affixed battery icon (painted
> in white) on the cluster?
> Thanks again.
> -Louis
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