My engine is ready !

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at
Fri Apr 25 12:51:29 PDT 2008

Finally have all parts here in my basement. The engine block is back from
the shop where it was cleaned, honed and they installed the pistons and the
crank bearings. Now, I just have to assemble all the parts together which
will be interesting since the two engines are all in boxes in pieces... 

I guess it will be easier to install the engine/trans combo in one part,
from the bottom, and with all exhaust/intake plumbing attached. Is this
correct ?

Oh, about the crank bolt, I guess I will have to wait that the engine is in
place to torque it to spec ? I know where to find the tools, at least the
crank stopper. Last time I did it was with a 3/4in ratchet with a 4 ft pole
over the handle. But the torque produced is more than a DIY engine stand can
handle without tipping over... Is there another way ?

Finally, about the parts that I ordered in Iowa, they arrived here in 3
days, via USPS Express post. For Canadian fellows, there was no brokerage
fees nor any $urpri$e at the delivery, to the contrary of the usual suspects
(UP$ and F3D3X). One interesting tidbit was that the Perfect Circle rings,
made in the USA, were boxed in a package that had French instructions, and
only French ! They were destined to me, it is obvious now...


1983 Quattro nearing to recapture its former glory now...

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