My engine is ready !

Jeremy Vaughan st.hawk at
Fri Apr 25 20:36:39 PDT 2008

2 ways...
1-Do the crank bolt in the car...
there's  enough room with out  the core support... hmmm
did you do the core support mod on your car?!

2- I always tightened it using a holder that was made of a  piece of 
roll bar tubing that held the  pulley.. its handle went to the ground 
and the socket went through the center of it. picture a  big "o" with a 
couple of  pieces of 1/4" rod welded around the outside to lock up the 

Anyway  make sure the threads are clean on both the crank and the  
bolt. I used loctite on  them.

I used a  breaker bar and a leg from an engine hoist....  just don't  
get silly about it.


On Apr 25, 2008, at 3:51 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:

> Finally have all parts here in my basement. The engine block is back 
> from
> the shop where it was cleaned, honed and they installed the pistons 
> and the
> crank bearings. Now, I just have to assemble all the parts together 
> which
> will be interesting since the two engines are all in boxes in pieces...
> I guess it will be easier to install the engine/trans combo in one 
> part,
> from the bottom, and with all exhaust/intake plumbing attached. Is this
> correct ?
> Oh, about the crank bolt, I guess I will have to wait that the engine 
> is in
> place to torque it to spec ? I know where to find the tools, at least 
> the
> crank stopper. Last time I did it was with a 3/4in ratchet with a 4 ft 
> pole
> over the handle. But the torque produced is more than a DIY engine 
> stand can
> handle without tipping over... Is there another way ?
> Finally, about the parts that I ordered in Iowa, they arrived here in 3
> days, via USPS Express post. For Canadian fellows, there was no 
> brokerage
> fees nor any $urpri$e at the delivery, to the contrary of the usual 
> suspects
> (UP$ and F3D3X). One interesting tidbit was that the Perfect Circle 
> rings,
> made in the USA, were boxed in a package that had French instructions, 
> and
> only French ! They were destined to me, it is obvious now...
> Cheers,
> Louis-Alain
> 1983 Quattro nearing to recapture its former glory now...
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