Smog Testing-A Georgian's View
William Magliocco
magliocc at
Tue Feb 5 12:49:42 PST 2008
I feel you are out of line on your castigating John on California rules & regulations-he ought to know, he lives and works there. My understanding is you live in New Hampshire.
I took the time to search the CA DMV website to find the answer. Read it for yourself at:
In short, CA has changed its regulations recently. They appear to have toughened them up, as they are trying to get rid of the "stinkers" in the state fleet. In short, 1976 and newer cars get smog tests every two years, unless they receive exemptions...I quote as follows:
"Beginning April 1, 2005, the 30-year rolling exemption has been repealed. Instead, vehicles 1975 model-year and older will be exempt. Therefore, 1976 model-year and newer vehicles will continue to be subject to biennial inspection indefinitely."
So, John would be right that 1984 model cars in CA would have to get a smog check.
Here in the Atlanta region of GA, we still go by the "25 year rule" per However, it is always possible our rules get tougher too.
Ontario, Canada is in the process of extending their smog testing program to cars beyond the 20 year point, if they were 1988 models or newer. A quote from
"Drive Clean’s recent decision to end its rolling age-based exemption for light-duty vehicles from emissions testing requirements only affects 1988 and newer models. They will stay in the Drive Clean program, no matter how old they are."
Just my opinion here, but the desire is to rid the fleet of OLD cars, with the caveat of true historical models; the ones that get historic plates and spend their days in car shows.
At some point, it becomes impractical to keep forking out $ for pollution control gear on a car, especially when it is probably NLA as new repair components at the 20 or 30 year point.
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