Audi would never be this stupid .... would it?

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Mon Jan 14 15:54:43 PST 2008

Audi has played similar games with the club and this very list.

Originally, ACNA was name the Quattro Club.  Audi nixed that.

This list was called the Quattro List, and audi pissed on that as well.

Hence Audi's finger is in the pie now with ACNA and as near as I can
tell lately it's pretty well fubar, though I have no idea if that's
related to Audis involvement.

And we are now Audifans.

I don't think the original question is that far-fetched...

Can Audi also be that stupid?


On 1/14/08, Fuzzzydog <fuzzzydog at> wrote:
> I would say this underscores why Ford, GM, et al are losing market share.
> Dinosaur thought patterns.  It's a much different world than when Henry Ford
> first started making cars with a much different consumer.  Toyota, Honda,
> maybe Audi?, etc are cluing into that.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: George <sidman at>
> Date: Jan 14, 2008 3:18 PM
> Subject: RE: Audi would never be this stupid .... would it?
> To: Andrew Duane <aduane at>, Quattro <quattro at>
> Does this mean Ford qualifies for the Darwin Award?
> George Sidman
> Chairman & Chief Technology Architect
> WebLOQ, Inc.
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