Steering rack is leaking

Kneale Brownson knealeski at
Wed Jul 2 10:06:40 PDT 2008

Look in the Yellow Pages for an oil distributor.  They sell oils in five-gallon pails.  In my locale, the only distributor that carried their version of this hydraulic oil was the Shell guy.  He sold me five gallons of their Tellus 32T hydraulic oil (you need the "T" version, not the plain Tellus 32) for around $40.  I use it whenever I spring a hydraulics leak I can't get to right away.  Just keep topping up.
  The Mobil product is DTE 13M.  Chevron's version (these all have quite similar, but not exact, specs to Audi's Pentosin) is Rykon Premium 32.
  Pentosin has slightly higher and lower temperature ranges in which it functions the way Audi intended.  Probably not necessary unless you're operating your system routinely in ambient temperatures below 10 below Zero (F) or above 120 above (F).

Fay Kelley <iceisit at> wrote:
  > > Steering rack is leaking ...

>No slowing it down . . . alas.
>Plan A: buy a 5 gallon bucket of DTM-13, which is a non-Audi power
>steering fluid (DTM-13 is one example, there are some others, and I am
>*sure* more than a few listers will correct me on the number). This
>won't slow the leak, but at least the fluid is $25 for five gallons

great ...

>instead of $25 for 500cc.
>Be sure that whatever you do put in is compatible with the various seals
>in the system. DTM-13

where do I get this ...

> is, but "generic" power steering fluid is NOT, and
>if you think you're facing a big bill now . . .
>Plan B: contact Jorgen for a replacement,


> lifetime guaranteed rack and
>have your local non-authorized Audi mechanic replace it. Refill with
>green gold (Pentosin).
>Plan C: sell a kidney (preferably someone else's)


>and take the car to
>Audi, tell 'em it needs a rack.

Cheers, Fay

Tennis anyone ?

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