coupe is running...kinda

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Thu Jul 31 21:54:53 PDT 2008

The digital instrument cluster should shut off when the key is in the off

If it doesn't and you're getting no spark, maybe you have a bad ignition


> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at 
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of derrick stevens
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 8:58 PM
> To: audi list
> Subject: coupe is running...kinda
> the saga continues, i replaced the battery, then the 
> starter(who decided to put the top starter bolt in the 
> world's worst location?) filled it with 6 gallons of fresh 
> gas, then i turned the key and it cranks just fine.  but not 
> one cough, puff, or backfire.  i checked the electricity at 
> the fuel pump and its fine, should i be able to feel the pump 
> running during cranking? also, should i check the spark somehow? 
> Finally how do you get the digital dash to shut off on this 
> posessed car?
> thanks again everybody, it helps alot!!!
> When we come together to enjoy food and spirits we can solve 
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> Derrick Stevens
> General Manager
> Popolanos Restaurant
> Chesterton, IN
> (219)929-7766
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