dan's take on nostalgia

Osman Parvez osmanparvez at gmail.com
Thu May 8 15:45:47 PDT 2008

Like a few others, I too was in school when I became addicted to the list.
Those days were too much fun.   Where else would have I learned about
replacing blower motors with a steak knife or the benefits of chipping a
turbo.   Where else would I have found a ragtag bunch to zoom across the
country with to attend a race up a +14,000ft. mountain.  Where else would I
have found a genius Russian to teach me how to rebuild a rusty, frozen

Thinking about it, I probably would never have moved out here to Colorado
had I not taken that little road trip with the group.  I

Like Dan, I was without an Audi for a number of years.   I recently picked
up a stray 85 4Q which I used for my winter commute this year though.  And
like a classic addict, one hit is never enough.

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