Need Body Work in Denver - 4Kq

Jim starbase_21 at
Sat May 10 13:53:50 PDT 2008



One of the kids put my ’86 4KQ into the back of a pick-up. The hitch went
over the bumper and the front lower cross member took a direct hit near the
right front headlight. The upper cross member is also bent back slightly.
The cars still drives excellent, as it always has, and I have been looking
around for a body shop willing to, cut / pull and otherwise get it back
close. Any suggestions from those around the CO Front Range would be greatly
appreciated. Also anyone who knows of a 4kq in salvage in the area would
also be great.

I have had this car for about 14 years and I really hate to scrap an
excellent all-weather vehicle. Just when I had everything pretty much




Jim Dowdell

1986 4kCSQ - about to become a small tax deduction


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