quattro Digest, Vol 55, Issue 58

George Selby gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
Thu May 29 09:22:28 PDT 2008

At 08:32 AM 5/29/2008, you wrote:
> > Hi everybody. I'm planning to remove leaking cooling radiator on 
> '90 A100 2.3
> > NF engine, with 4spd AT. It has two additional hoses for cooling the
> > transmission. Any BTDT, tips? What is going through those hoses - ATF or
> > something else?
>ATF.  It's the auto tranny cooling system.

One would think so, but on my 90 200, the AT cooling runs backwards 
to most cars.  There is a small heat exchanger/cooler bolted to the 
back of the transmission, and coolant is plumbed from the radiator to 
the tranny.

George Selby 

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