quattro list library?

Max Baker max at warped.org
Wed Nov 26 09:00:03 PST 2008

Hi All,

As I lurk on this list, I see a *ton* (metric) of great information 
passing by, and I can only imagine all the knowledge that's been passed 
since it's conception.

I was wondering if anyone has ever wanted to maintain a library where 
people could go to?   I host two such libraries, http://gti-vr6.net and 
http://mkv-gti.net -- both the babies of Andy Nguyen.    We use wiki 
software so that any member can go in and easily add information, make 
corrections and updates.  It also provides to be very searchable by 
topic, and people volunteer a surprising amount of time adding in 
tidbits as they come up.

If I were to set up a domain name and a wiki, are people interested in 
volunteering to add/correct/contribute content as it flashes across the 
list?  It's about as hard to use as using Microsoft Word.    It would of 
course be advertising free, and all that -- I'm not looking to make a 
buck here, I give away the hosting services and take donations now and 
again.    I would love to add the treasure-trove of information from 
20v.org (with attribution of course) to the library as a start, since I 
find it so useful.


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