Porsche plans coup against Piëch

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Sep 15 13:12:55 PDT 2008

Not just the chairman.  The company is "stirred" (for lack of a better
word) at just about every level recently.  Their squarely misplaced US
advertising campaign, car lines etc. is an indicator that there are some
bad decisions being made at all levels, all around.  It looks like a much
needed shakeup from top to bottom.  
Locally I know of 1 large VW/Audi dealer who has dropped VW altogether
and are Audi-only now.  Another VW only dealer in the area is 
relocating and looking for another brand to diversify a bit.
Anyone who hasn't seen recent US ads, they equate VW's with the wonderful
experience of getting pulled over by the authorities for speeding,
pigeonholing potential mini-van (or whatever that thing is) buyers, and
equate the cars with graphic auto accidents.  Yeah, makes me want to run
out and buy one.

"God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything."

Dave <dave.eaton at clear.net.nz> writes:
> trouble brewing for the chairman....
> Dave

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