Idleing and start problems - 200 1B

Per Lindgren per.lindgren at
Mon Sep 22 06:07:18 PDT 2008

Back on the mailing list after many, many years....

The thing is, I've just bought a 1989 200 Avant with the 1B engine (A 
good mix of the MC and MB engines). This engine has a problem related to 
the idle, and also hot start.

First of all, it has problems holding an idle, it will bog down and die. 
If I feather the throttle for a good minute or so, it will eventually 
hold an idle around 800 rpms. When I let off the throttle to change 
gears, or stop at a crossing, it will also bog right down and die. I've 
checked the ISV, and it appears to be ok.

Second problem, and it's probably related to the first problem. When the 
engine dies, and I try to start it with the key, it will not start, it 
gives a tiny stumble, but then I can crank and crank till no end. I have 
to let it sit for at least 2-3 minutes. After a few minutes, it will 
start like nothing ever happened. If I however let the clutch out when 
the car is still rolling, it also starts without a problem, but not when 
I crank it with the key.

Third, I've noticed that it runs a bit rough at a steady 2000 rpms. I've 
yet to check the ignition system, but I'm going to replace plugs, rotor 
and cap, just to be on the safe side.

One thing I can't figure out is how to pull any fault codes. I've read 
on Phil Payne's excellent Urquattro pages how to do it (insert fuse into 
fuel pump relay, watch CEL light), but this car does not have any CEL 
light that I know of. No 2x2 diagnostics ports either, for that matter...

Finally, I feel that I should mention that this car also has a bad 
voltage regulator. When driving, the voltmeter shows just below 13 
volts, with only low beams on. If I switch to high beams and also light 
up the fogs, it falls below 12 volts. I've not read the voltage at the 
battery posts yet, because the car has problems idleing... Do you think 
that the voltage may be a part of the problem? Maybe it is all of the 
problem? Any kind of input is welcome!

Arendal, Norway

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