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Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Apr 12 04:58:19 PDT 2009

Brett Dikeman wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Kent McLean <kentmclean at> wrote:
>> My chipped 20V seems to have a lot more get-up-and-go! The 3.6L V8 is
>>   more sedate as it makes its way to cruising speed. It's not slow, it's
>>   just not as spirited as the turbo in the way it gets there.
> Given how talented the previous owner sounds to be at maintenance, I'd
> suggest popping down to the FLAPS and picking up a new air filter for
> $5-10.  Especially on a NA car, if that filter is overdue for a
> change...
> I'd also drop in a bottle of full-strength techron and premium gas,
> then yank the ECU fuse for a couple of minutes to reset the adaptation
> values...the PO might have been running it on low octane gas.
>> This one seems to have a really light flywheel. You let off the gas and
>>   it's like you turned off the ignition
> More displacement = more engine braking.  Higher compression ratio,
> too- I think?
>>   The "Cat" light is flashing.
> I believe the V8's have pre-and-post cat O2 sensors.  Check both.
> FYI, the ones that are down low are a slightly different type- they're
> sealed and vented/referenced via the sheath on the cable, I think.
>> There's an Air/Fuel ratio gauge set into the console to the left of the
>>   HVAC controls.
> Hmm.  Or maybe the PO decided to use one of the O2 sensors for a feed
> to the gauge.  Or the 3rd party exhaust doesn't have a bung for the
> post-cat O2 sensor and the PO left it disconnected.
>> didn't check the oil level 'cuz after popping the release, I couldn't
>> find the under-hood release . Doh!
> Hood pins are probably rusty.  Recruit a volunteer to gently lift up
> the hood as you pull the release.

Good points, all. I filled it with premium about 2 miles after I got it,
since I wouldn't have gotten much further on an empty tank.  The hood
pops with the under dash release, but it being dark and me being tired
I stopped fishing for the under hood release before I got frustrated.

I'll check the air cleaner first thing, and then attack the problems
one at a time.  I may meet up with Ron (group dinner?), who has offered
to look the car over.

The A/F meter isn't working, so no worries putting things back to normal.
The car does have an after market exhaust with high performance cats, so
I'll have to raise the car to see about O2 sensors.  The car has been
lowered, which makes looking underneath it challenging.

Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1991 200 TQA #3, with mods
1990 V8 w/5-speed and other mods
gone: '91 200 TQA x2, '94 100 S Avant, '89 200 TQ "Bad Puppy"

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